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Produce your next creative in a live seminar with our Creative team.

Price on consultation

Helping you design effective and emotional communications


Fundraising communications matter.


And they’re a critical component in getting results using Great Fundraising. When fundraising communications aren’t injected with inspiration, emotion, or focus on the needs of donors, fundraisers struggle to get the results they need.


Now we are offering non-profits the opportunity to develop their own communications with the Philanthropy & Fundraising team. Live in seminar your non-profit will gain the skills to create powerful campaigns, appeals and brands.


If you are interested, please get in touch today.

Great Fundraising is creative and collaborative. But the biggest barrier to Great communications is internal conflict which can result in a struggle to develop creative concepts that make an impact on donors.


Our Great Fundraising Creative Sprints enable fundraisers and non-fundraisers to produce winning communications that drive their appeals or charity branding using inspiration and emotion. And by better-positioning their communications to focus on emotional storytelling, organizations see a measurable difference in the amounts they raise. 


Arrange your bespoke Great Fundraising Creative Sprint today. 


Whether you need to review your brand, fundraising communications, or messaging, Great Fundraising Creative Sprints invite teams to be co-creative with our Seminar Directors. In practice, that means using design-thinking and behavioural-thinking techniques to get your teams focused. Then, you’ll finish the course with some powerful creative concepts and a toolkit to drive your fundraising growth and success.


After completing the Great Fundraising Creative Sprint, you’ll be able to:

  • Unblock conflicts around fundraising communications and Create a supportive culture of fundraising among non-fundraising teams.

  • Create powerful fundraising concepts that move donors to action.

  • Inject fundraising campaigns with emotional storytelling to achieve significant growth.

  • Receive your toolkit to share with internal teams or branding and marketing agencies.

  • Learn to write winning briefs.


Who should attend?

  • Charities and non-profits who want to develop awe-inspiring communications that drive action – uniting their organization and their donors.

  • Organizations who want to develop the skills of their in-house creative teams helping them to develop winning creative briefs and develop communications that work.

  • Fundraising, brand and communications staff who want to develop unified concepts for campaigns – alongside programme and service delivery teams.

  • International organizations who want to develop cross-country creative with multiple stakeholders.


We welcome clients new and old to join us for a Creative Sprint. The majority of our clients have already attended a New Ambition seminar. Please speak to our Seminar team to discuss whether this will be needed to gain the best results for you.


What’s the approach?

Our Seminar Directors and creative leaders use design-thinking and behavioral-thinking approaches to enable your team to overcome barriers to change. Then, they’ll direct them in creating the ideas and stories you need to inspire your donors to give. This culminates in developing a creative toolkit, giving teams everything they need to deliver the change they need themselves, or through their agency.


Where is it?

Our Creative Sprints are developed live and online – in conjunction with you and your team – wherever you may be in the world. There is currently a waiting list for this unique service. Please get in touch today.


Who has taken part? 

Past organisations from across the world include:


  • Salvation Army Australia, AU

  • RSPCA Victoria, AU

  • Save the Children Australia, AU

  • Irish Cancer Society, IE

  • Aberlour Children’s Charity, UK

  • Guts UK

  • RNLI Lifeboats, UK

  • Solar Aid, UK

  • Together for Short Lives, UK

  • London Air Ambulance, UK

  • Lutheran World Relief, US

  • Union Rescue Mission, US

We learned a lot from working with Philanthropy & Fundraising. They helped us develop strong messaging and we are now gearing up to launch our campaign in the new year, as we seek to increase our support base and generate a surge in fundraising income to help us achieve SolarAid's mission.


Course outline

(The following is an example)


Live event online

  • Recap on Great Fundraising

  • Storytelling session

  • Who, what, why?

  • Creating the brief 


Rest of day: co-creative concept development


Live event online

  • Co-creative development sessions directed by PF leaders


Live event online

  • Present back for discussion

  • Agree next steps

Book your place today


To book a Great Fundraising Creative Sprint please contact our Seminar team or email

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