Adrian Sargeant
A 30-year background of research into the science of donor behaviour. I was the first holder of the endowed Chair in Fundraising at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy based at Indiana University. Currently, I’m an Adjunct Professor at Indiana University and a Visiting Professor at the Australian Centre for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies at the Queensland University of Technology.
Having designed the UK’s system of professional education for fundraisers, I’m also working on a European qualification framework for the European Fundraising Association.

Adrian on Great Fundraising:
Great Fundraising is, of course, something I’m very passionate about. In particular, I find donor needs and wellbeing the most interesting aspects. When organizations refocus their fundraising and communications to address the needs of donors, they unlock a range of possibilities to engage with donors in a way that simply wouldn’t be available otherwise.
Professor Adrian Sargeant is Research Director at Philanthropy and Fundraising International. He’s also the world’s leading fundraising academic. A prolific author, speaker and educator, Adrian is responsible for creating the Great Fundraising academic research. His focus is on developing research, expanding knowledge and instructing clients on Great Fundraising. Adrian is also a Director and Professor at the UK’s Institute for Sustainable Philanthropy.
In 2010 Adrian was named in the USA’s prestigious ‘Nonprofit Times’ Power and Influence list. In the same year, he received a Civil Society award in the UK for his services to fundraising, and in 2016 he received a lifetime achievement award from the Institute of Fundraising.
Based between Plymouth and Kansas City, Adrian frequently travels across the world to give educational seminars and lectures to clients and institutions. Areas of expertise include philanthropic psychology, how to double fundraising income through meeting donor needs, board and leadership development, brand development and professional development of fundraising teams.